Causes of Tooth Decay II

In the first part of this series on Causes of Tooth Decay, we looked at some misconceptions about dental caries. Here, we will be looking more closely into the causes of tooth decay.

Causes of Tooth Decay
Tooth decay is caused by a combination of factors, which include;

Tooth location: Tooth decay mostly occurs in the back teeth (premolars and molars) as they have pits and grooves where food can accumulate. This makes their cleaning more difficult than the smooth-surfaced front teeth.

Sticky foods and acidic drinks:
These foods such as, gummy bears, hard candies, cookies, toffee, dry cereal, soft plantain, chips, milk, soda, etc. stick to the teeth and as they are not easily cleansed by saliva, are more likely to cause tooth decay. Acid from acidic drinks such as soda, attack the teeth and wear them down.

Frequent snacking:
Snacking in-between meals gives bacteria in the mouth a field day, literally. The bacteria have a constant supply of sugar to act on, more acid is produced, and the teeth are continually attacked.

Inadequate brushing and flossing:
Plaque (tartar) forms on tooth surfaces quickly and if cleaning is not done regularly and appropriately, the process of tooth decay can begin.

Bedtime bottle-feeding:
When infants are fed with bottles filled with milk, formula or other sugar-containing liquids at night time, these fluids remain on the teeth while they sleep and feed the oral bacteria.

Other factors include inadequate fluoride intake, dry mouth, failed dental fillings, etc.

Prevention and Treatment
It is important to brush at least twice a day, and floss appropriately in order to reach areas inaccessible by the toothbrush bristles.

Once holes are formed, they can’t be brushed away so it’s better to take preventive measures such as good oral hygiene, regular dental visits, avoiding the known risk factors etc. 

Treatment of caries depends on its severity and may require a dental filling, root canal treatment, or an extraction, as the case demands.


Photocredit: Trusted Dental

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