What To Expect For Your Hygiene/Scaling and Polishing Appointment

Dental Hygiene/Scaling and polishing is a form of teeth cleaning that is carried out by a dental professional. It is a non surgical treatment whose purpose is removal of debris and deposits built up on the teeth over time. Debris could be leftover food, stains, plaque or tartar/calculus which have accumulated over time and cannot be removed by tooth brushing alone.

Scaling removes dirt, plaque and calculus on the teeth by scraping while polishing involves using a rotating brush/rubber cup to clean and smoothen the surfaces of the teeth. Polishing is essential to smoothen the surfaces of the teeth, and clear off any loose debris. Polishing also massages the gum, increasing blood flow and promoting healing.

Scaling and Polishing can be Manual or Ultrasonic.
Manual: This involves the use of dental hand instruments to scrap off debris, plaque and calculus present on teeth. The use of hand scalers to clean the teeth is more time consuming and is more likely to result in trauma to the gums due to slippage of instruments.

Ultrasonic: An ultrasonic scaler removes debris by vibratory movement and water sprayed from its tip. The water spraying effect cleanses the surfaces of the teeth as debris is loosened from the teeth surfaces. It also helps to regulate the temperature of the tip, as the vibration causes it to heat up and may create an uncomfortable feeling on the teeth.

How often do I need Scaling and Polishing?
Scaling and polishing is a routine dental procedure recommended every 6 months as plaque and calculus deposition is a continuous process. Routine scaling and polishing may be recommended more frequently (every 3 months for example) in individuals with Gum disease.

What to Expect
Tooth sensitivity: Scaling of exposed teeth surfaces may result in a sharp shocking sensation known as sensitivity. This mostly occurs if you have teeth surfaces worn down (tooth wear lesions often result from the use of hard toothbrush and or aggressive tooth brushing techniques).

Bleeding Gums: Plaque and calculus accumulation underneath the gum/subgingival calculus causes inflammation of the gums and these inflamed gums bleed on contact. Excessive bleeding during scaling and polishing may be a pointer to a systemic health condition or an implication from the usage of blood thinning medications.

What to do afterwards
Your dentist would usually recommend a warm water and salt rinse to ensure that your gums heal adequately. You will be given an appointment for the next 6 months for a check up and routine cleaning. The dentist/hygienist will also provide more information about your oral health practices and how to improve your oral health.

Will Scaling and Polishing whiten my teeth?
Scaling and Polishing differs from teeth whitening and might not significantly improve the color of your teeth. Its sole purpose is to remove plaque and calculus build up on the teeth for cleaner teeth. Teeth whitening is intended to actually whiten teeth and is an entirely different procedure. Scaling and Polishing will however remove extrinsic stains. These are stains on the teeth that are caused by external factors such as smoking, colored food and drinks such as tea/coffee.

Book an appointment with your Dentist today.

Photo credits: Thomson Dental Care

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