Does Your Child Cry During Toothbrushing? Check Out The Solution

Getting a child to brush can sometimes be a tough job. From a crying child to one who runs away whenever it is time to brush. For the very young ones, they may simply not understand why mummy has to stick something into their mouth and move it around.

The following are sure ways to get your child interested in tooth brushing:

  1. Colourful toothbrushes with their favorite cartoon character: toothbrush manufacturers have been able to make toothbrushes for children with various cartoon characters. Characters such as Barbie, and Spider-man are examples of those toothbrushes. You can take them shopping and allow them pick their toothbrush.
  2. Toothbrushes with tunes: some toothbrushes have tunes/songs which comes on when a button is pressed. The tune might be one he/she dances to while brushing.
  3. Toothbrushing songs and apps: you can download a Toothbrushing song which plays for 2 mins(the required brushing time). There are also brushing games and apps which can be downloaded for free.
  4. Toothpaste flavours: many children do not like the mint flavour in some toothpastes, they prefer flavours like strawberry so be sure to get them a nice flavour.
  5. Brushing together: You can schedule your Toothbrushing time to that of your child; brushing your teeth and showing him/her how to brush. 
Avoid the stress, make Toothbrushing fun for your child today. 

Photo credit: gettyimages

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